verything bad about the ’60s, in one easy-to-avoid packageLegend has it that this Los Angeles acid-rock quintet had consumed such massive amounts of marijuana during the 1968 sessions for “In the Garden of Eden” that keyboardist-singer Doug Ingle could only mumble the title. Hence, “In-a-Gadda-da-Vida” was born, and its unexpurgated 17-minute version (including a two-and-a- half-minute drum solo) inaugurated the dubious era of free-form FM radio.Appalling fact In-a-Gadda-da-Vida was the first LP ever to be certified platinum.Worst CD Sun and Steel (MCA, 1975)
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Kriteria Kualitas Air dalam budidaya ikan Patin
Kualitas air pada budidaya ikan patin merupakan salah satu faktor yang
sangat mempengaruhi bagi pertumbuhan benih ikan patin yang dipelihara.
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