1. Costiasis.
Cause [is] : Sp Costia / Ichthyobodo Sp. Ichthyobodo represent parasite of obligat gum in [at] body of inang ( gill or husk) by using cytostome. [At] infection [is] hence this parasite will place x'self [at] cell coat of epithel among scale. While [at] heavy infection hence the parasite will disseminate the overall of part of fish body and even until gill. Infection can be good [of] wild fish and also fish which [is] conducting. Factor racing this parasite infection [is] density of too high fish. symptom of Klinis : fish seen is matt, like blanketed by coat which [is] ashes white chromatic effect of abundant mucus production. Haemorrahage and damage fin will seen [at] heavy infection. If gill infection hence will looked to be its gill turn pale and closed over with mucus. will lose appetite, swimming to weaken. fish sometime its body rubbing [at] pool wall or base. Preventive: controlling amount irrigate with usage of filter, preventing wild fish so that [do] not enter conducting areal, arrangement of temperature irrigate and also taper down density. Treatment : using drug which [is] usually used for the medication of parasite of protozoa faction can be [done/conducted]. Naci with dose 10.000 ppm by immersion during 15-30 minute.
2. Cryptobiasis Cause : Cryptobia Sp. Parasite have triangle body form with part of keen and blunt posterior [at] part of anterior, and provided with 2 of flagella that is 1 of flagella short [of] dianterior and 1 of flagella long [is] [circle;coil] the than part of anterior to shares from other side shares and body of posterior. This parasite represent parasite obligat patch [at] bream gill and husk. Branchialis Cryptobia represent parasite [at] goldfish gill ( Carpio Cyprinus), Carrasius Auratus, Ctenopharingodon Idelus. Death only happened [at] seed fish. Agitate infection Cryptobia of inang [is] same but its infection place only [at] husk, but [at] heavy infection earn [is] also found [at] gill.
3. Trypanosome Spp. Representing parasite [at] fish blood, [is] usually propagated by leech. This parasite [do] not generate danger to fish of inang, fish with only containing some tail of trypanosome will not show symptom of klinis. [At] heavy infection case [of] fish will experience of fish and anaemia will looked to be weaken its gill looked to be turn pale. Prevention : shut-out carrier [him/it] ( leech ) Medication : there is no drug able to be used for medication.
Kriteria Kualitas Air dalam budidaya ikan Patin
Kualitas air pada budidaya ikan patin merupakan salah satu faktor yang
sangat mempengaruhi bagi pertumbuhan benih ikan patin yang dipelihara.
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